
This stamp was printed both with hand-made as well as with machine-made paper (from May 1855) with thickness and quality very variable, using the "original" coat of arms as well as the "revised" one (see the issue introduction and the "Going deep" section).
As for other values of this set, it's possible recognize the samples printed with the first matrix, even if in this case somebody thinks that it is better to talk about first stereotype coming from the unique used matrix. In fact several studies confirm that only one matrix was used to prepare multiple stereotypes.
The main recognition sign is a small interruption in the shield internal border, on the left (Fig. 1).

First matrix
Fig. 1: first matrix; border interruption

For the 30 centesimi we can identify two main types easy to recognize and well known by collectors. Here is how to identify them:

1st TYPE: number "3" with the lower part flat, due to an impurity present in the minting die; tip of the lower right internal ornament long and pointed (Fig. 2).

First type
Fig. 2:
first type

2nd TYPE: number "3" with the lower part regular and similar to a small ball (the whole "3" to look in detail seems modified); tip of the lower right internal ornament short and flat (the parts with machine-made paper are all of this type) - Fig. 3 -

Second type
Fig. 3:
second type

NOTE: usually two stamps are classified of the second type, that overall differ for color shades quite different: dark brown and lilac brown. I present here two samples just to show the clear difference in color (Fig. 3a-3b). Also the engraving, to be correct, is different in some little details, with the first subtype showing a less accurate printing and the points of the coat of arms bigger than in the second subtype. It will surely be a pleasure for the specialized collector to deeply study these peculiarities...

Lilac brown

Fig. 3a: brown


Fig. 3b: lilac brown

Catalogued color shades (as per Sassone) - 1st type; hand-made paper

Brown (typical color)
Pale brown (1st issue)
Brown (1st issue)
Dark brown (1st issue)
Dark brown
Grayish brown
Reddish brown
Deep dark brown

Catalogued color shades (as per Sassone) - 2nd type; hand-made paper

Dark brown (typical color)
Grayish brown
Reddish brown
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lilac brown (typical color)
Pale lilac brown
Chocolate brown

Catalogued color shades (as per Sassone) - 2nd type; machine-made paper

Brown (typical color)
Reddish brown
Grayish brown
Brown gray (poor printing)