To print this value two plates have been used, one prepared by Masini and the second one by De Masa, the stamps made with the second plate appeared from mid January 1859. Some details allow for the identification of the proper plate. Other minor details allow in addition for the identification of the group (right or left) from which the samples are coming. This last point, quite technical, will not be dealt here in detail: in the "Bibliography" section some suggested work is listed for the people who desires to continue the study.

First plate
Second plate

Fig. 1: 1st plate


Fig. 2: 2nd plate

1st PLATE (Fig. 1)
Printing precise but shaded by very many small dots and color spots both internally and externally to the drawing.
Colors on the brownish-lilac.
2nd PLATE (Fig. 2)
Very pale printing, often not distinguishable in some points, but more clean, with less traits and color spots almost absent.
Colors on the very pale pink.

Catalogued color shades (as per Sassone) - 1st plate

Brownish pink (typical color)
Lilac pink

Catalogued color shades (as per Sassone) - 2nd plate

Pale pink (typical color)
Pale carmine pink