This stamp has been printed in sheets of 72 pieces by using two different types of stereotypes: 71 pieces do have the "usual" stereotype (I mean the one more common) and only one (the 27th of the sheet) presents some differences on the number "15", between them the tilted bar of the number "1" and the horizontal trait of the number "5".
Here below we show a rare vertical couple (positions 19 and 27) where the upper sample is "usual", while the lower one has the different stereotype (Fig. 1).
A small curiosity should be noticed: all the 15 do have a small interruption of the horizontal line of the label, above the number "15" (in some printings with greasy or with oxidized stereotypes, that sign tends to disappear).

Vertical pair
Fig. 1:
upper piece with "usual" stereotype
and lower one with the different stereotype

Catalogued color shades (as per Sassone)

Vermilion (typical color)
Bright vermilion